The Preservation and Advancement of
Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy.
Our objective is to preserve QEST as a powerful stand-alone energy modality.
We aim to preserve the foundational work of QEST along with the advancement of well researched procedures to ensure that the integrity and efficacy of QEST will continue to be taught and practiced for years to come.
We will continue to expand our growth globally by providing quality QEST education and training.

Value Statement
At QESTA we value the core of the work and understand the necessity of QEST problem- solving.
We value personal and professional growth through hands-on practice and dedication.
We honor the respect, integrity, and trust within the QEST community.
Cultural diversity and inclusiveness within our membership is important.
President's Welcome
Welcome! The sole focus of our organization, QESTA, is the promotion and furtherance of Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy. Our board members have long experienced QEST's powerful benefits. Our dedication and love for QEST have motivated us to form an alliance to support QEST so that future generations may also enjoy its benefits.
While many energy healing modalities have emerged over the years under the umbrella of "energy medicine", QEST has the greatest depth, breadth, and healing power of any modality that we've encountered. QEST requires foundational knowledge of anatomy and physiology along with its unique corrective procedures. Because QEST is a "structured therapy", it can be methodically learned and implemented to begin helping clients from their first appointment. After learning the basics, specific problem-solving methods are learned by the student practitioner.
For decades it's been acknowledged by some that everything in the body has an energetic signature. With numerical codes and specific corrective procedures, we stand in amazement at the seemingly mysterious power of these energetic reminders in QEST's repertoire to trigger the body's healing. Incidentally, QEST has had amazing results with animals and babies. I mention this to show that QEST's effects are far beyond placebo effect. It's of note that QEST is not static. As there are new understandings from anatomical research, QEST often expands.
We in QESTA recognize that our healing modality is not the "be-all, end-all", and that there are additional components to mental, emotional and spiritual health. However, we believe that QEST is irreplaceable in our modern lives. We are excited that QEST can make a powerful difference for your health and well-being, your family’s quality of life, and of course, that of clients.

Judith Heath, QESTA President
Core Values
OUR PURPOSE: Over the years, some QEST practitioners and students have wanted an organization and supportive network with the sole purpose of advancing and promoting QEST
STAND-ALONE: QESTA'S purpose is preserve QEST as a powerful stand-alone energy modality without mixing other types of energy medicine.
WHAT KIND OF ORGANIZATION IS QESTA: It's a non-profit corporation.
WORKING IN SEQUENTIAL ORDER: QESTA members believe in taking clients through the work to lay the foundation for problem solving.
PROBLEM SOLVING: Most QESTA practitioners have clients with complex problems that require deeper approaches of QEST problem-solving. With these, we mine the depths of the amazing potential of our powerful healing modality.
BOOKS: QESTA members utilize the power of codes in three books: the Handbook, Supplemental book, and Judith Heath's New Codes book
PROBLEM SOLVING: Many problems require use of QEST's unique ability to zero in on indirect causes. We use preliminary, conditional, and pertain codes and lists to determine a course of action.
EXACTNESS: QESTA members stress the exactness required for hand placement for cranial - facial - SBS work and APs.
CHECKING FOR TIME FOR HOLDS: QESTA members honor the need to use muscle to find the length of time for holds, including OMSA and ENF holds. They recognize the need for an individualized approach.
139: QESTA members use the "longer form" of 139 for adults. Why? Well, experience has proven that this helps 139 to hold or last better. For babies, young children, and animals, the shorter form is used.
ACCURATE MUSCLE TESTING: QESTA members recognize that accurate muscle testing is the backbone of QEST. At least 6 factors can drastically alter the accuracy of an answer.
STRENGTH TESTING: If we know how to do some strength testing of specific muscles, that can show us as practitioners if codes just worked with have made a difference or not. If yes, it's dramatic for the client. If not, the practitioner knows to check and work with reflex pathology. Examples of things that could still be weakening muscles include conditions for bones, other muscles, ligaments, or organs / glands
128's: Practitioners need to frequently check for 128 MSA disruptions that may keep corrective procedures already done to work effectively. For example, 128's affect MSA's and act like a virus in a computer.
THE TEACHING OF QEST: We recognize that it future teachers of QEST have to spend time in the classroom with new students while under the supervision of an existing instructor of QEST. Experience for teaching hands-on work cannot be gained without hands-on guidance.
HANDS ON LEARNING: There are crucial things which cannot be taught via video or virtually. Examples: (a) Accurate muscle testing adjusted to each client. (b) Exact placement of fingers and appropriate pressure for cranial work. (c) Location of bodily landmarks. (d) Effective and safe work with 5M's for vertebrae, pelvis, and various joints. (e) Diaphragmatic entrapment work that's safe and effective
DIRECTORY: QESTA's website will include a directory of QEST practitioners and student practitioners.
PRACTITIONER LEVELS: In making referrals to QEST practitioners it's desirable to know if a listed practitioner is a student, a graduate (Level 1), a graduate who has passed required testing for Level 2 or has passed even further testing to be considered a Level 3 Practitioner.
CONTINUING EDUCATION: QESTA will offer members monthly Zoom sessions. We'll rotate between monthly 1 hr. presentations and 1 hr. Q and A sessions on "practical QEST". (Just so you know, Judith will continue her own monthly CE webinars for subscribers.)
TESTIMONIALS: Our website will have client testimonials that give inspiration and excitement to QEST practitioners and encouragement for potential new clients.
GATHERINGS: We'll have future QESTA gatherings that will focus solely on QEST. We'll have topics such as a deeper understanding of anatomy and physiology, nutritional & health tips for the client, QEST problem solving, case studies, and of course networking.
OUTREACH: We believe in doing all we can to encourage and inspire new practitioners and those who learned QEST long ago. We want to help people who have invested so much time, energy, and money to learn QEST. This is one way we'll try to help our valuable energy medicine to survive and thrive.
COMMUNITY: QESTA members intend to form a supportive community of practitioners who practice QEST in a like manner. We'll come together with regular virtual meetings to deepen expertise and excitement about QEST
QESTA is not part of AAEM: But QESTA members are definitely encouraged to retain their membership with AAEM. QESTA was founded to add specialized support for QEST practitioners and students.
BIG PICTURE: QESTA members are excited to continually learn more about the body's mysteries and how to help people feel well enough to accomplish what they are here in life to do.
QESTA members not only believe that "the more you know, the more you know" but also realize, "You don't know what you don't know...until you know it!"

Judith Heath
Judith is a Master Practitioner of Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy. Since 1977, she's been grateful for the life-changing results from QEST for hundreds of people as well as for herself. With profound respect, passion, and dedication for practicing and teaching QEST, she has devoted a great deal of time, expertise, and energy to research and furthering this potent energy work.
With Colorado practices in Fort Collins and Denver since 1988, she built her clientele by referrals from satisfied clients. Many had already tried other modalities without success before experiencing the restorative and protective benefits of QEST. Judith is dedicated to the expansion of QEST. She began co-teaching this work in 1991 and in 1995 founded Quantum Energetics Institute. Besides having both first year and second year QEI students, she teaches monthly continuing education webinars to enable QEST practitioners deepen their knowledge of the body and gain tools to help their own clients.

Troy Morris
Vice President
Troy Morris, originally from Colorado, now resides in the Bay Area of California and works for the Department of Energy (DOE). Troy has served on several non-profit boards. He joins our team with an engineering and business background and recently has returned to school to finish his MBA in Engineering Management. Although he is the only board member who is not a Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy Practitioner, "Troy wholeheartedly believes in the modality and its preservation. He wants to see it endure the test of time." Troy gives a neutral and fresh perspective on all QESTA matters.

Diana Burian
Diana was born and raised in the bay area of Northern California. She attended San Jose State University and then joined the military, and retired after twenty-one years. She moved to Wyoming where she and her husband settled on a hobby farm with horses, chickens and a garden in 2017. She was introduced to QEST after seeking help for chronic back problems sustained in military service. Chiropractic and physical therapy work had not fully resolved the back pain. After seeing a brochure for QEST in the area, she jumped at it. She experienced the power of QEST in the gradual healing of lower back issues. She felt a deep desire to study this modality of healing and she pursued it.

Coming Soon
Board of Directors


Tasha Morris started taking classes in Quantum Energetics Structure Therapy in 1999. At first, she thought she was going to be learning this modality to just help herself and her family. It didn't take her long to realize this modality was going to change her life. "QEST is the most powerful healing modality I've ever witnessed". Since starting her original journey as a student in 1999, she has helped teach many classes - witnessing amazing life-changing results from QEST. She has now dedicated more than 20 years to the furtherance of the work. With her background in nursing and being a retired professional athlete, she has had a unique vantage point in seeing what the work could do. “I could see the potential for QEST in both medical applications and sports injuries.” When using QEST on her students from her boxing and mixed martial arts studio, she witnessed how quickly people recovered from sports injuries.

